MFR Myofascial Release

Integrated Myofascial Release
About James Ellwood
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About James Ellwood

After experiencing a chronic back injury in 2003 James found that conventional healthcare had nothing to offer, while complementary treatments had astonishingly positive results. With his curiosity awakened he consequently trained in Indian Head Massage, Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Lomi Lomi, and ultimately Integrated Myofascial Release with John Barnes. He has found Myofascial Release to be particularly effective and has focussed his work on this since 2009.

In 2009 James qualified as a Temple Style Lomi Lomi Practitioner on Kauai, continuing his training in 2011 and up to the present date.

In November 2010 he graduated as a fully certificated Myofascial Release Therapist. He regularly goes to America to continue training with John Barnes and his areas of expertise include :

MFR (Myofascial Release) for the Spine and Sacrum

MFR for Breast Health (useful pre and post surgery)

MFR for abdominal scar tissue and adhesions.

MFR for the TMJ (Tempomandibular Joint- Jaw)

Unwinding for the whole body

Advanced Myofascial Therapy

Cervical -Thoracic MFR (neck and shoulders)

Myofascial Rebounding

Women's Health

Fascial Pelvis

james middlewood